
Mayan Abdominal Massage

Mayan Abdominal Massage is an alternative therapy for women (and men) who are seeking holistic health methods to increase fertility, have a healthy pregnancy, recover from abdominal surgery (such as cesarean), as well as overall health and well being. Mayan Abdominal Massage is a technique which repositions the internal organs so that optimal health and well being is increased by maximizing blood flow, opening up the nervous and lymphatic systems, and increasing energy flow in the abdominal area. In women, there are many ligaments that hold up the uterus and internal sexual reproductive organs. When these organs become out of alignment, or if a woman has a tipped uterus, this type of work can reduce stress and even eliminate dysfuction over time.

Additionally, Mayan Abdominal Massage can help with digestion, urinary and bladder problems, recovery from fibroid tumors and endometriosis, difficulty with ovulation, painful menstruation, miscarriage, or babies in breech position.

For more information about this wonderful therapy, you can visit https://www.arvigotherapy.com. You can also make an appointment with local Mayan Abdominal Massage Therapist Deborah Savran at http://www.blooma.com/wellness.html#.

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