
Placenta Encapsulation: For the Placenta Lasagna Apprehensive

Many people that I talk to are automatically repulsed by the idea of consuming the placenta. I have to admit, when I first heard about it, it was pretty strange to think about. However, when I started learning about all of the benefits of consuming the placenta postpartum (increased milk production, balancing hormones, reducing postpartum depression, and more) and when I learned that nearly all mammals consume their placenta post birth, it suddenly didn't seem quite as terrible to me. When I learned that some people professionally hire someone to prepare your placenta, and then encapsulate it into little pills, I was even more into the idea.

For some reason, preparing the placenta in the form of lasagna or placenta meat loaf makes me feel a little sick to my stomach. But the idea of taking a supplement, over the course of a month or two sounds much more do-able. The idea of having something to balance my hormones during menopause sounds even more amazing to me.

A colleague of mine, Anne Ferguson, does placenta encapsulation for women in the Twin Cities area. She got to have a little blurb in the local news, and I thought I would pass it on to you so you can see what it is like.

Here is the written article for the news cast: http://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2012/02/16/doula-consuming-placenta-can-help-postpartum-depression/

There is some skepticism in the news cast that there is not sufficient evidence that this is a beneficial practice. However, I would like to offer that there are resources out there that speak to the benefits of placenta encapsulation. Here is just one of those.


If you aren't quite up for consuming your placenta, you may at least consider keeping it to make a beautiful "placenta print" or to plant a tree in your back yard over the top of it.

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