
Birth #0042

My oh my. It has been far too long since I last shared something with you all!

This birth story is shared with the permission and consent of the birthing Momma. 

This family was scheduled for an induction due to this momma's health. They began the process in the evening with a pill that was placed on her cervix. Overnight, she had some contractions, but they got closer with the second dose of the pill around 3am. By morning, she was about 2cm dilated, and 75% effaced. This momma and daddy spent the morning walking the halls and trying some different positions with the ball, standing and swaying, and also resting.

A few hours later, she is now 3cm open, and they have placed a foley catheter bulb on her cervix. Shortly after they placed it-- about 30-40 minutes later, contractions became much more intense, and the momma threw up, feeling nauseated.  Soon after this, the foley catheter fell out. The nurse informed her that this means her cervix is open to at least 4cm now. This is about the time that I was asked to join them at the hospital.

Shortly after this, I arrived to meet them. Immediately, I noticed that they had done a wonderful job of creating a calming a home-y atmosphere. She is doing beautifully, standing and leaning over the ball on the bed, with him sitting right behind her squeezing her hips. She is very relaxed and calm. Both of them are very positive and seeming to enjoy this time as much as possible. They have soft music in the background, and Dad gently massages her back in between contractions. She is beginning to feel more contractions on her left side and He often gives pressure there to offer her relief.

By mid afternoon, this momma is really enjoying using warm compresses on her left side, has been standing and swaying, and walked the halls. I used my Rebozo scarf some to help lift up her belly while walking the halls. Then we went back to the room and rested for a bit; I gave her a hand massage. Now, she says she is feeling like her contractions have spaced out a bit and that she wants to use more upright positions to help things come on stronger.

First, I suggested trying a side-lying pelvic floor release. Dad and I both assisted this momma as she was lying on her side to gradually release each leg and release her pelvic floor muscles.

In the late afternoon, her doctor came in to check her progress. She is now 5cm open, baby has now moved down to -1 station, and she is 80% effaced. She recommends breaking this momma's bag of waters to help things move along. This momma thought about it and agreed to do that.

When her bag was broken, she had a lot of fluid! The fluid is clear, meaning baby is doing well; there is no meconium present.

In just an hour, contractions have stepped up in intensity and are much closer together now. This momma is still coping beautifully. Breathing gently through each one, very relaxed and calm. She is doing perfect. Some low back pain now, and she has requested some hip squeezes. Now, this momma is dangling over the top of the bed and enjoying that position.

Things have continued to become more intense. This momma's contractions are longer now, and they come about every 3-4 minutes. She moans in a low voice through each one, swaying back and forth. Dad and I take turns pressing into her hips.

Now this momma decided to try getting in the tub, which seemed to help her rest well for a while. Then she got out of the tub and resumed standing near the bed, often leaning over the ball, and swaying through her contractions. She is visibly more and more inwardly focused as she moves through her labor, strong and centered, and excellent at relaxing despite the increasing intensity.

By night, the doctor came in to check progress once more. She is now open to 6cm, baby has moved down to 0 station, and her cervix is 90% effaced. The doctor proposed two options-- either continuing for another hour and rechecking progress, or starting a low dose of pitocin to encourage things to move along. This momma and dad talked it over and decided to start pitocin. 

The nurse reminded this momma that moving from 5cm (where the foley bulb helped open her to) to 6cm was great progress on her own and that now she would likely be seeing more change moving forward. I also gently reminded them both that the baby moving down and the cervix thinning were both great signs of progress, and that needed to happen before her cervix can continue to open.

In just over an hour, Pitocin is started. This momma continues to be a pillar of strength! Sitting on the ball, and draped over a mountain of pillows, she closes her eyes, and almost appears to be sleeping she is so relaxed. Dad is close by her side, always ready to give a word of encouragement, or a kind and gentle touch. He is always anticipating her needs just as she says them aloud. They are such a great team!

One hour into pitocin, things have greatly intensified. Now, this momma is feeling like she would like pain relief from an epidural. She threw up again. She said she is feeling some low pressure. I asked this momma if she thought she would like to be checked before getting medication, but she declined, and requested the nurse order an epidural for her.

Meanwhile, she needed to have a bag of IV fluids (this is a routine procedure) before she could receive the epidural. This momma decided to try sitting on the toilet to wait while getting her fluids, feeling that she may need to "poop". She was able to relax better for some of her contractions, but was still very ready for the epidural.

Soon, the anesthesiologist arrived. This momma curled around her pillows on the edge of the bed, and Dad stood close, holding her through the intensity. During the placement, this momma's low moaning began to turn into grunting.

After the epidural was placed, she said that she was experiencing a lot of burning, and felt like he was "going to come out any minute."

The nurse suggested allowing the epidural to work a little longer before having the doctor come and recheck her and also before starting pushing.

Just 20 minutes later the doctor came in. This momma is complete, and baby has already moved down A LOT! to +2/+3 station.

She started pushing right away, and it did not take her long to get the hang of it. She was moving him with every push!! Within an hour, this baby boy emerged. He was beautiful and healthy, and everyone was so happy to meet him.

Dad asked Momma right after, "So was it worth it?" and Momma said, "Of course!!"

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