
What I've Been Up To Lately.

I know I have been a major slacker with blogging lately. Just wanted to give you all a quick update about where things are at with me, as there are exciting new changes happening with my practice as a doula. 

First, I recently took the postpartum doula training through DONA. I was priveleged to study under Debra-Pascali Bonaro-- a world renowned birth and postpartum doula. She is the creator of the Orgasmic Birth book/documentary. If you haven't read it/seen it, I highly recommend it. 

The Postpartum Training I did with her was fabulous, and I learned so much from the many women that surrounded me that week.

I have now moved into full time birth and postparum doula work. I am LOVING every minute of it, and hope to devote more time to blogging again in the near future. 

Also, coming up, I will be taking the Healthy Children Lactation Counselor Training, which will allow me to counsel women in breastfeeding better than I can now. I am looking forward to attending that mid may!

This summer I will have so much more I want to share in regards to postpartum and lactation. More wonderful things to come!

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